At Terabox MOD APKs, we take intellectual property rights seriously. We follow the rules, like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and have clear processes for handling copyright infringement claims and removing infringing content from our platform.

To have copyrighted content taken down from our website, just follow the DMCA process below if you own the copyright or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner.

To initiate the DMCA takedown procedure, you can either visit our “Contact Us” page. In your communication, please include your contact information, a detailed description of the copyrighted material along with its title and the URL where it is hosted on our website, and any documentation proving your ownership or authorization to represent the copyright holder.

A statement, given while facing the possibility of lying under oath, affirms a sincere belief that using copyrighted material isn’t allowed by the owner, their representative, or the law.

I confirm that the information in my notice is correct and that I have permission to represent the copyright owner.

Our Commitment: When we get your DMCA takedown request, we’ll quickly acknowledge it within 48 hours on business days (excluding weekends). Your request is our top priority, and we’ll thoroughly review all the info you provide.

To ensure that your claim is valid, we may need to request further information or clarification from you.

We’ll quickly remove any content that’s rightfully claimed to be infringing from our website and database within 10 working days of your request.

At Terabox MOD APKs, copyright integrity takes precedence and is prioritized, with a dedicated commitment to nurturing a platform that maintains intellectual property rights. Should you have any inquiries regarding our DMCA process, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated in guaranteeing an environment compliant with copyright regulations. Thank You.