Download Terabox for PC/Windows
Terabox, a cloud storage service, offers 1TB of free space to store your personal or official data, including videos and images. You can also share uploaded data with others, and you will receive payment for every download. While Terabox is available as an app for Android and iOS devices, many people want to use it on their PC or Windows operating system.
Terabox for PC Download
Win7 and up
July 03, 2024
If you want to download and install TeraBox on your PC or other Windows-operated devices, this article will provide you with a step-by-step guide. Software, known as an emulator, helps us to run Android apps on a PC. BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, Dolphin, and LDPlayer are some famous emulators available online. In this post, we will go with BlueStacks.
TeraBox Features for PC
How to Install TeraBox on PC
Step 1: Download and Install BlueStacks
First of all, you need to download and install the BlueStacks emulator on your PC. Visit their official website and download it for free from there. The installation process is automated; you need to follow the given instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
Step 2: Download and Install TeraBox
Open the web browser on your PC and type ‘’ into the address bar to open TeraBox MOD APK.
Now click on “TeraBox for PC” in main menu to download the file.
Click on the ‘Download for Windows’ button. Once the download is completed, navigate to the download folder on your PC.
Open the file to start the installation process. Accept terms and conditions and click on Quick installation to install the file.
After installation, open the TeraBox app and log in to your existing account or sign up for a new one if you haven’t already.
Device Requirements (Minimum vs Recommended)
Device Features | Minimum Requirements | Recommended Requirements |
Operating System | Windows 7 or Up | Windows 10 or Up |
Processor | Intel Core i3 or equivalent | Intel Core i5 or equivalent |
Memory | 2 GB or above | 8 GB or above |
Storage | 500 MB hard disk space available | 1 Gb of available hard disk space |
Connectivity | 1 Mbps internet connection | 10 Mbps internet connection |
Terabox app for PC is the best option to store large files in cloud space. It provides you with free backups and 100% data security. It is a legitimate app with thousands of positive reviews from users across the world. With Terabox and an emulator, you can boost file uploading and downloading speeds on your PC, allowing you to upload large files within seconds.